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Speak Spirit and Life!

Speak Spirit and Life!

This morning God rocked my world with a clearer understanding of the words we speak.  I plan to share as much of this morning’s revelation as possible with you, so you can live in the power of Jesus and speak with the authority he has ALREADY given you!

The book of John has been rocking my world for over a month now.  And don’t worry, I do not intend to share the entire book of  John with you (yet 😊).  I  do want to share what I’ve learned because it may be the difference between you living defeated and food addicted or living in victory over your flesh!

You know how the book of John begins with,

“1, In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.”

This scripture right here says everything you need it to say and then some. Here’s the beauty of what this verse is telling us.

Jesus is God talking!  Sounds weird, I know, but follow me for a second.  Jesus is the ACTUAL  WORD of God.  Everything you see and know exists because of what God said during creation.  (Read verse 3 over and over until it sinks in.) Jesus is every thought, every blast of Holy breath, the actual words of the Father, all wrapped in skin and bones (See John 1:14) and he was sent to us so we could hear his Father’s words in a familiar way and receive it.

So what does speaking the words of God have to do with your jean size, your health, food addiction, or the cost of tea in China?

EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!  And by everything, I literally mean everything.

Jesus’ only purpose on this earth was to come d tell us about his Father’s love for us.  We get to believe Jesus’ message and confess he is Lord.  We get the honor of asking him for forgiveness and telling everyone about him.

I know I haven’t come to the weight loss part yet.  Hang in there. It’s coming.  I promise!

Ok, now that we have established that Jesus is the word, do you realize his entire ministry was mainly talking?  He told others about his Father everywhere he went.  He did miracles by speaking out loud what he heard the Lord telling him.  He said to a widow whose only son had died,

“ Do not weep.” 14 And He came up and touched the coffin, and the bearers came to a halt. And He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise!”15 The dead man sat up and began to speak. And Jesus gave him back to his mother. 

One of my favorites is when the disciples were on a boat, and a hurricane-like storm engulfed them.  They were so terrified they would die that they woke Jesus up yelling,

“Master, Master, we are perishing!” And He got up and rebuked the wind and the surging waves, and they stopped, and it became calm. 25 And He said to them, “Where is your faith?” 

A quick search in scripture will reveal that Jesus commanded sickness to leave, he prayed consistently to his Father in heaven, rebuked storms and evil spirits, and taught us about EVERYTHING- all of this happened with words!

Here is what all of my ramblings have been leading up to.  Jesus said in John 6:63

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. 

You may not be getting goosebumps yet, but here is the revelation I got.  The word “spirit” here is the same for Spirit of God.   Jesus was actually handing out holy words full of power from the Spirit of God.  His expectation is that we will freely gather his holy words and use them for his glory.

We can talk all day long about losing weight, going on a diet, and looking good with no absolute authority or heavenly power to change our lives.

Because we are made in God’s image, our words do power.  Empty words are like open freight containers ready for evil or death to fill them.   You don’t necessarily have to speak evil.  You just have to speak faithless, baseless, meaningless words that hell can inhabit and operate out of.

Proverbs 18:21

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Or we get to speak what we read in scripture and what the Holy Spirit reveals to us to say.(These revelations will always match God’s word and character.)

God’s words are already filled with His spirit and life for us, so the enemy has no access into them.  So when you hear preachers and home bloggers hyped up on coffee and bible verses say, “speak life,” this is what we mean.

Now about your skinny jeans and missing abs.  You don’t need me to tell you to speak life by saying scriptures over your health journey.  But… in case you need a gentle reminder, Just know your food freedom journey is about  90 percent of what you say and ten percent of what you do. If you are desperate for your life to change, then you need to speak life as God leads you. Jesus spent most of his ministry speaking/talking/ telling what he heard the Father saying.  He defeated hell with his words.  If he cast out demons, healed the sick, and destroyed the powers of darkness with his word, what is your plan?  A salad and some squats can’t do the heavy lifting of delivering you from the enemy’s hand.  Exercise and food are the ten percent.

May the Lord help you find every scripture you need to say in order to win your battle over the enemy.  And may you keep believing and speaking his word by faith until your life bows in submission to Jesus.


Kim Jagwe, author of God’s Perfect Size™

Spotify Podcast Link- Gluttony  At the Table,

We are ecstatic to announce the debut of the God’s Perfect Size Podcast!  We are NOW available on Spotify.  We will soon be available on Apple and Google Podcasts coming October 2022.  Our first full episode, Gluttony  At the Tableis eye-opening for anyone dealing with out-of-control food cravings.  I share how using spiritual weapons found in Ephesians 6 can help you kick the enemy off your plate!

Be sure to join the God’s Perfect Size Facebook Group where you will receive prayer and the opportunity to grapple over food freedom topics with other believers.

The Grace of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you on your GPS Journey!

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Hello Loves, It’s Kim here.  I’m glad you stopped by.  All are welcome.  This site is dedicated to good food,  things we love, and some dang good advice you can hang your hat on.  Look around and make yourself at home.  Be sure to subscribe to stay in touch.  I’ll be here waiting for you:)  Kim Jagwe

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